My friend Jessica has settled in Sydney's gorgeous Northern Beaches after globe trotting as English teacher to Nepalese orphans, tomato picker, champagne-bottle turner, hostel manager, masseur and reiki-er ... On her travels, she learned to enjoy herself on a limited budget. Jess is now saving for a Philippines trip at Christmas with Felippe (left) and reveals her saving secrets. – Sage
How do you save and have fun?
Jessica: For weekends, we picked two of our favourite treats that cost $$ and capped them at so much each or a couple. Felippe and I like to go to the cinema, so we now smuggle in drinks and snacks bought cheaply elsewhere so we just need the price of our ticket. We found local restaurants which have good quality food that matches our budget. We have table water and don't splash out on drinks. We always sandwich expenditure by doing something that's free like a long walk along the beach or surfing.
How about during the week?
J: I don't spend money on a gym -- I exercise outdoors in nature. I take a high-carb lunch to work so I can have a lighter evening meal. After work, I hold off cravings with a banana or crackers and take a brisk walk alternating with running as my fitness builds or swim in the ocean when it's warmer.
What about shopping?
J: On the weekend, I stay away from temptation and avoid shops, except getting groceries. I look at what's in the pantry and plan the week's meals then make a list. I buy fruit in season, not hard in Australia, and make a fruit salad that lasts three days and gives me all the vitamins and minerals I need. Natural yoghurt is cheaper than flavoured and the good bacteria keeps me happy on the inside. A block of high cocoa chocolate is a feel-good way to keep sweet cravings under control and lasts a week or two. And I always take dried fruit and nuts to snack on while I do food shopping so I'm not tempted.
What do you splash out on?
J: I buy organic where possible, especially animal products like meat that's free of nasties, and definitely 'kind' eggs. I go to a greengrocer for fruit and veg rather than a supermarket as their foods are more likely to be sourced from the farm and less chemically treated.
PS Five ingredients you always have on hand?
J: Ginger, garlic, honey, lemon and fresh basil. Use liberally for great taste and glowing health.
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