Monday, August 3, 2009

Bonnie's theory of towels

Small is beautiful, as Bonnie (my last sharemate, now in California), E.F. Schumacher (British economist and author of Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered in the 70s, thanks EF!) and others say.
Bonnie, a struggling artist, and myself, a struggling editor (plus the three mouseketeers, Cowboy, Chicago and Miss Indy Jones), moved into a little cottage on a steep grassy slope just a short stroll from Sydney Harbour bridge.

To save money, as the rent was also steep, we tried to curtail exxy electricity bills, water usage and so on. Bonnie hit on the idea of using hand towels as bath towels to make less of a load to wash and dry. Bonnie’s small and slim so it was simple for her. I’m tall and sort of Yogi Bear-shaped but even so I find it’s quite OK to dry myself all over with one little towel – even in chilly midwinter. It’s also quite hygienic as I usually just biff it into the wash after use. One bath towel equals about four hand towels I reckon.

Of course, the three mouseketeers have the right idea about the whole washing gig. They just take a tongue shower and then lie out in the sunshine to dry back to perfect fluffiness, thereby saving energy and the planet. Thanks guys! – Sage

P.S. Look out for Flo’s theory of hair towels in a future blog. Not all my blogs will be about towels!